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Do you want to learn how to spend less money, eat clean, prepare meals your whole family will love, AND lose weight and lower your body fat? 

My cookbook includes 12 of each: breakfast recipes, snack recipes, lunch recipes, and dinner recipes. That's a total of 48 easy recipes that require common ingredients.


Kristen's Cookbook

  • All my products are downloadable files which means once you purchase them, they are yours! Because there is no way to return a downloaded file, we cannot offer returns. If you are unsatisfied with the product, please reach out to me personally to let me know via the contact form and I will work with you.

  • All products created by Kristen Wilkins on Get Fit With Kristen are suggestions based on nutrition expertiseand are intended for educational and informative purposes only and are not intended to serve as medical advice. You should consult your physician or health care professional before starting this or any health program to determine if it is right for your unique needs.

    This is particularly true if you or your family have a relevant medical history that could be exacerbated by diet changes or fitness programs. Do not start any health program if your physician or healthcare provider advises against it.

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